Ender's Game
I had never read science fiction before Ender's Game.
I did not pick up this book on my own either.
On an ordinary day in book club of my first year in high school the librarian asked the three book club members, yeah there was only three, to pick a book we would want to read and he would buy it for us. I told him that I didn't know what book to pick. I had not idea, the others had no idea, so he said something along these lines, "How about I pick your books?"
The book club was reading Blood and Chocolate around this time, which I actually thought was an interesting book. It's a supernatural werewolf novel. Although it is short, I finished it in three weeks because I also had school work to do.
During the next book club meeting the librarian brought the three book club members books that he thought we would like. I don't remember what he brought everyone else. He brought me a box set of three books in the Ender's Game series. They were Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, and Shadow of the Hegemon.
I had never heard of these books, so it took a while for me to finally begin reading them. I attempted to read Ender's Game two to three months after receiving it. The topic didn't interest me and I couldn't understand the book completely. It wasn't the right time, so I put the book away. Time passed. Three years later I picked up the book again and, this time, I read it from cover to cover. I had never read science fiction before. I had never dared to venture into this world before. After reading Ender's Game I read Ender's Shadow, which has a similar plot to Ender's Game, but it is told in the viewpoint of another character named Bean.
Whenever anyone asks me for book recommendations, Ender's Game is always one of them. Somehow, though, everyone ends up choosing a different book.
After I finished reading Ender's Game, I placed it on my book shelf and forgot about it.
One year later when I started college Ender's Game was one of the required books along with Invisible Man and The Handmaid's Tale for my English class. Invisible Man and The Handmaid's Tale are pictured below. I would recommend these books. They are different and deal with issues such as race and gender roles, respectively.

Now, back to Ender's Game.
I thought I had lost my first copy of Ender's Game, so I bought a second one this time. I read it again from cover to cover along with the other two books required for the class. Now I own two copies.
I also found out that there is going to be an Ender's Game movie coming out in November. I'm excited to see the "Buggers" fights and the Battle School.