Sunday, December 14, 2014

cinnamon water

American Horror Story: Asylum

It is the third day of my winter break and I finished seeing American Horror Story: Asylum.
This is the fastest I have finished a season of any show. Maybe because I have so much time.
I don't know what to think of this season I don't. Well, it was definitely well written and after each episode I would research who was the writer. They are so impressive.
After each episode, I had to watch the next episode right away because I've been missing out. Many people I know are caught up with Freakshow and now that I have the time I can catch up to them.
While I was watching this show, I could see that it blurred the line between reality & fantasy, truth & lie, and what is consider normal & what is consider not normal. I could say that after each episode I was left with a list of questions that were not answered and that I was interested in getting a response to. My questions were answered, however, by the next or next after next episode, but also many questions remained unanswered. Such as what was actually real and not real, especially on the episodes entitled Anne Frank.
Now, I will see American Horror Story: Coven and hopefully I will be as intrigued as I was for Asylum.